Script, direction and game design NYXXX (Ebba Petrén och Gabriel Widing)
Scenography and lighting Kerstin Weimers
Costume Ebba Petrén, Kerstin Weimers och Gabriel Widing
Maskdesign Ebba Petrén
Dramaturg Alexandra Loonin
Game design and programming Pusselbit Games
Mask Lotta Widell
Drama director Siri Sandström
Cast Åke Arvidsson, Ellen Hennig, Victor Wigardt
Exet Celie Johansson, Malin Nilsson, Lina Wahlberg, Tristan van Lint, Katja Dahlin, Frida Enström, Vilhelmina Jacobson, Linnéa Dahlin, Lea Holm, Tilly Eires
Fallet Exet (2019)
Interactive play
Fallet Exet is an interactive missing-person drama for teens, commissioned by Teater Västernorrland. It was written and directed by Ebba Petrén and Gabriel Widing of artist collective NYXXX. Kerstin made scenography and light. The audience is guided by an app developed in collaboration with Pusselbit Games. Premiered 18:th of September 2019. The tour included 70 showings.
Read more about the play at NYXXX and Teater Västernorrland